Who has frequent constipation problems In addition to always eating foods that are high in fiber. Along with drinking a lot of clean water, if still found that the excretion is not normal Today is the time that we should pick up a way to stimulate normal excretion and use it properly. We have advice for girls. Have tried a new bowel movement to relieve constipation or difficult bowel movements in a simple way. Eat high fiber breakfast for breakfast. because breakfast is an important meal And if you want breakfast to stimulate the digestive system at the same time, it is recommended to choose food ingredients that are high in fiber. Whether it's vegetables, fruit, juice or milk. And whole-wheat bread, etc., practice excretion for girls. You should know that the time between 5.00-07.00 is the time that is most suitable for excretion. Or at least don't let it be too late, so whether it hurts or not. Especially if anyone who is not in pain during this period. The more you should practice the behavior of sedentary defecation during this time every day. I assure you that the body will know itself and when it gets used to it, it can excrete according to the time we practice in the end. drink lots of warm water After waking up in the morning Drink a large glass of warm water. Warm water will help stimulate the blood circulation system to work better. resulting in various blood vessels is enlarged larger than normal And help expel what is left inside the intestines to gradually come out. It is a detoxification in a simple way. When you feel pain in your stool, you shouldn't hold back. You should hurry to the bathroom to finish the excretion, because this is a good time to allow us to excrete in large quantities. Causing no residual stool or returning to the colon until it destroys "health" as well, and may cause constipation from the problem of residual stool that is harder than before Bowel massage stimulates the excretion. If you are someone who has difficulty in excretion already. It is recommended to prepare to stimulate the excretion before going to bed. Start by massaging the abdomen in the lower left part. Because that's the location of the colon. Feel it until you find the sludge, then gently press it down at regular intervals. Do this for about 5 minutes. Wake up in the morning to drink a glass of warm water or drink a lemon juice mixed with warm water. Then wait for a moment. I guarantee that you will feel a stomachache. I want to take pictures for sure. Or if there is no symptom, you may massage the intestines at the same spot for a round first by gently massaging it and pushing it downwards. Try doing this regularly. It may help stimulate my excretion. Repeat the massage if you do not have any bowel movements. But if you try to sit in the bathroom It is recommended that while sitting, use the palm of your hand to massage the abdomen. By massaging it in several clockwise circles while holding the stomach together. do this for a moment Abdominal pain will begin to come and go. In addition You should keep exercising regularly. Because exercise will cause the intestines to get movement, which has the effect of stimulating the digestive system to work more efficiently. It helps reduce constipation problems and definitely makes the excretion easier.