Garlic pork, garlic chicken, stir-fried basil, stir-fried vegetables, chili paste, and other Thai food items with garlic as an ingredient. And it's not just Thai food. Many cuisines around the world use garlic as an ingredient as well, despite the fact that it is eaten raw, it has a very spicy taste that makes you want to spit it out. but if used for cooking It has a mild, pungent, delicious taste that goes well with every dish.
In addition to being a component of many delicious dishes There are many good reasons we want you to eat garlic every day.
adjust blood pressure to normal levels reduce blood cholesterol levels control blood sugar levels Therefore suitable for diabetic patients, nourish blood, prevent anemia, increase immunity to the body. prevent heart disease Reduce constipation Make the digestive system work better, help expel the wind. Relieve heartburn
prevent flu Inhibit the growth of viruses, bacteria, fungi, have antioxidants, nourish the skin and reduce the risk of cancer.