EyeHerbs EP.6 Bualoy Black Sesame and Ginger


EyeHerbs EP.6 Bualoy Black Sesame and Ginger


EyeHerbs Ep.6 The menu that I'm making today is a bit like Mae Sri Ruen. Because it takes skill to mold the dough. "Ginger Black Sesame Bua Loy" but the black sesame filling will add more crunch. With grated coconut, it's delicious.

Anyone who wants to nourish skin, hair, nourish bones, recommend this menu. Because of the full benefits of black sesame seeds Plus, ginger juice helps in relieving indigestion. Antioxidant.

Ingredients for Bua Loi in Ginger Sauce
200 grams of glutinous rice flour
250 ml of water
3 pandan leaves

250 g grated coconut
4 tbsp coconut sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
100 grams of black sesame seeds

ginger ale
Instant Ginger Powder 6 sachets
500 ml of water

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