EyeHerbs EP.5 Homemade Garlic Butter Spread


EyeHerbs EP.5 Homemade Garlic Butter Spread


EyeHerbs Ep.5 is pleasing to people who like garlic bread. Because I'm embarrassed to bring everyone to do it. Homemade Garlic Butter Spread

It's very easy to make, and it's also delicious and can be stored in a jar in the refrigerator for months. But it might run out first because this recipe is really delicious. The benefits of garlic are not light at all. Can cure colds, nasal congestion, reduce fat, can cure flatulence as well

Homemade Garlic Butter Spread Ingredients
200 g salted butter
half a tablespoon of sugar
20 grams of garlic
4-5 coriander leaves
bread for toasting (Any kind you like)

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