Khaolaor Nature Cof Brand Cough Mixture 60 ml./Bottle
Registration : G 106/59
Packing size : 60 ml./Bottle
Description : Each 5 ml. (1 teaspoon) prepared from
- Vitex negundo L. 650 mg.,
- Glycyrrhiza glabra 312.5 mg.,
- Phyllanthus emblica L. 166.25 mg.,
- and others
Indications : For the relief of cough and expectorant.
Dosage and Administration :
- Adults: 5 ml. (1 teaspoon) 3 to 4 times a day.
- Children: (13 to 15 years old): 5 ml. (1 teaspoon) 3 times a day. or as prescribed by the physician.
Precaution :
- Patients with allergy to menthol. Diabetes patients.
- Safety among pregnant andlactating has not been studied.