Thai herbs and Thai health


Thai herbs and Thai health

Thailand has a very high biodiversity. Thai people have a lot of Thai herbal wisdom. And Thai food is the best and most complete example of health, such as coconut milk curry with eggplant for fiber. Stewed curry with cinnamon to help lower blood sugar levels Antioxidant Tom Yum Machine Make a good mood look younger Kaeng Liang that helps mothers to have enough breast milk Curry with bamboo shoots with Yanang leaves to help reduce uric acid, etc.

People are getting sick less now. Therefore, using herbs is not just an illness. But it has evolved in many forms. such as dietary supplements and herbal medicines That uses extraction and analysis processes to have consistent active ingredients, products manufactured with new standards set

Health problems of urban people come from eating inappropriate food. Not exercising enough to get rid of toxins from the environment. Turmeric helps fight free radicals and protects the stomach and colon, Garlic extract helps fight colds and allergies. lower cholesterol Helps expel heavy metals, Cissus quadrangularis relieves hemorrhoids, Liana relieves aches, Moringa provides high doses of vitamins, minerals and eight Essential Amino Acids, Cinnamon acts like an insulin. Helps to reduce blood sugar levels, that white kwao krua, red kwao krua, black galingale help nourish the body. and health care for women and men, etc.

Healthcare with natural herbal products will contribute to the development of science and industry in the country, help the nation become self-sufficient in health, reduce costs, generate working capital in the country and increase the overall efficiency of the nation.

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