Why is it necessary to crack the spore wall before using it for medicinal purposes?
Important substances found in lingzhi mushrooms It is a substance in the triterpenes and Polysaccharides group. which can be found in both mushrooms and spores From the research study, it was found that the spores that cracked the wall cladding contained a large amount of compounds. Polysaccharides and triterpenes are greater than non-clad spores. This is due to the nature of the lingzhi spores having thick walls up to 2 layers, resulting in cracking of the cladding walls. Various important substances can come out better.
Benefits of lingzhi spores that has peeled off
- Anti-cancer : reduce the risk of tumors reduce the spread of cancer Reduce side effects of chemo and radiation.
-Nourish and restore kidney : prevent kidney disease and make kidney function more efficient.
-Increase immunity: increase white blood cells, resist virus, stimulate the body's immune system.
-Increase blood flow, nourish the heart: stimulate blood flow and reduce blood viscosity. reduce blood fat
Ganoderma lucidum and health care. Department of Development of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine Ministry of Public Health 2012
Abstract of research results of the Ganoderma Lucidum and Lingzhi Spore Research Project in Thailand Department of Thai Traditional Medicine Development
Ganoderma Lucidum from Research to Uses Department of Development of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine, Ministry of Public Health 2010
Noppamas Soonthorncharoennon Why do lingzhi spores need to crack the wall covering before using it for medicinal purposes? Journal of Medicine and Alternative Medicine 2008 ; 6(3):313-320.